Poached Plums Served with Greek Yogurt and Toasted Pistachios
It's my birthday month (yes, all month), and that means I've had more then my normal quotient of indulgences. It also means that my sweet-tooth has been awakened and is demanding my attention. In order to appease the sweet-tooth gods and keep my eating habits under wraps, I have been reaching for fresh fruit in the evenings. This week my CSA came with a double dose of plums and pears, and I have been dreaming up creative ways to enjoy them. This brings me to my point and case: Poached Plums (or Pears!) This is so easy to make and could be enjoyed at the end of a busy day, or brought out at a dinner party to impress your friends. I choose both.
Poached Plums Served with Greek Yogurt and Toasted Pistachios
INGREDIENTS 3 TBS Honey 1 Tsp Lemon Zest 3 cups of water 4 Plums
Greek Yogurt (or coconut ice cream) Toasted Pistachios (or your favorite toasted nut)
DIRECTIONS Bring water and honey to a boil and whisk until mixed. Add the lemon zest and plums and reduce to a simmer. Simmer plums for 10 minutes and then remove from water.
Let them rest for 5 minuets and enjoy over yogurt with toasted nuts.
The Skinny
Why choose fruit over chocolate bars? Fruit offers you a sweet taste and a whole lot of added benefits.
Fiber- Fruit is full of fiber (especially if you eat the skins) which helps with digestion, eases constipation and helps you stay full longer. Fiber also helps to slow the rate in which the sugar is metabolized, making those blood sugar spikes less extreme.
Vitamins- Fruit is packed with a wide spectrum of vitamins and minerals. Plums in particular have high levels of vitamin A and potassium good for vision and strong bones.
Fats- Fruit contains almost zero fat and help to lower cholesterol levels. They greatly reduce the risk of chronic disease.
Sugars- Fruits do contain naturally occurring fructose, but it is much less sugar than you'd get if consuming sweets. Also, fructose being natural is always the better choice over high fructose corn syrup.